Good Works Tour

Boom Shakka Lakka by jamesintrocaso
August 4, 2009, 4:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Greetings from San Francisco (again) by wisedog

Greetings Good Works Fans! Wisedog here with a rare update. I know, we never talk any more. It’s awful.

I’m writing this from high above the snow-covered Sierra Nevada Mountains on my return trip home, after a great day of Good Works Stuff. I spent most of the day yesterday in transit to San Fran (10 1/2 hours on 3 planes. It was awesome, but I admit I missed the van.) But once I arrived in the beautiful City by the Bay, the shades went on and I cruised this hip town in style!

First, I got to go to a reception at the Cartoon Art Museum, where I showed our finished product of The Good Works Tour movie to the attendees of the 2009 National Conference on Volunteerism and Service, including our friends at The Good Works Tour casually hung amongst the brilliant works of cartoon, animation, and comic book art displayed in the museum, as I chatted it up and exercised my networking muscles.

The Good Works Tour hanging in the Cartoon Art Musem!

It might be a little hard to make out, but that's the Good Works Tour (right) hanging out with Mel Blanc (top left).

It was great to meet-up again with many of the friends GWT met at Volunteer Match when we passed through last summer. We’d like to thank Robert at VM a million times for inviting us to come to the reception, setting us up in San Franciscio, and for the great connections he helped us make.

I met a lot of fantastic and dedicated people last night, many of whom are doing fabulous things and really helping their communities, and the world through their work. It was an honor to be counted in their presence, and to have our project and our film noticed.

Personally, I was just super stoked to have OUR cartoon [spoiler!] hanging in the Cartoon Art Museum, right next to Mel Blanc, Daffy Duck, and four familiar hobbits for the evening. And it was totally awesome that The Good Works Tour was displayed in the same museum as this:

From the Warner Brothers Collection.  HOT

From the Warner Brothers Collection. HOT

The Cartoon Art Museum had a massive and very comprehensive exhibit on Watchmen, and I got to totally nerd out for a little while.

Afterward, I meandered around the corner to the very chic and sincerely cool 111 Minna Gallery where we presented a screening of the film alongside their usual Sketch Tuesdays. If you were there, you know how awesome a time it was! Otherwise, you totally missed out. Thanks to the great folks at 111 for being so accommodating.

True to Good Works form, I must also thank my friend Rachel for her hospitality for the evening. It helps to have good friends in far places.

All in all, I had a wonderful time, and it felt a wee bit like I was back on the road for one more day!

Thanks for reading, and please keep checking back, to find out when the Good works Tour is showing their film in YOUR area, and how you can soon acquire your very own DVD of our much-hyped motion picture!

Film Release! by jamesintrocaso
April 23, 2009, 4:34 pm
Filed under: James | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Hey everyone,

We’re super excited to annouce the debut of our film The Good Works Tour this Monday April 27th at 9PM in The College of New Jersey Cromwell Main Lounge for FREE. If this is too short notice for you to come and see the film that night, fear not, we will be having more FREE showings of the film in Collingswood, NJ and elsewhere. If you’re an organization and you let us come work with you, look forward to copy of the DVD coming to you soon! Thanks to all those who rock! Comment away, the blog is back, baby!




American Pie Party and Assemblies! by jamesintrocaso

Hey all,

The mighty editing continues (and our promise of a rough cut by Christmas holds strong). We’ll be seriously working hard into November. We’re all super duper (yeah I said it) excited to be getting down to the cutting and gutting of the film.

This week two amazing things happened. We gave our first school assembly to Somerdale Park School. We met a group of really great, highly inspiring students and teachers who were kind enough to give us some time to explain the purpose of our trip and show some video clips. There is a special shout out to Mrs. Susan Ratajski and her class for the awesome thank you letters. (They also wrote to Oprah about us… you should too!)

A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We worked with American Pie Party in Columbus, OH to set up a time that we could be pied in the face back home! If you go to this auction site and bid on us, you will get to pie all three of the Good Works Fellows in the FACE and all of your proceeds will go to benefit American Pie Party and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and their on-going battle to help children and their families who have been touched by cancer. To bid, CLICK HERE. By the way, feel free to pool resources to bid, we will take multiple pies in our faces for this cause. The clips of us being pied in the face are needed to complete our film!!! Help us out!

Finally, a big farewell and break a leg to our friend and fellow GWT Fellow, Tim Urian. He’ll be off to pursue a life of theatre and poverty in Bloomsburg, PA. He’ll be performing with the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble. Break bones, Tim and come back often to visit and we’ll be up there to see you often! (Side note: Tim will still be heavily involved in the post-production and promotion of the film AND will also be pied in the face, so BID!).

We would also like to wish the composer of the music for our videos (and our D&D buddy), Eric Michaels, good luck in all of his travels being a sound designer!

